
Fruehstueck 2023 9 scaled

Have a wonderful good morning!

Our breakfast team looks forward to starting the day with you. From 6:30 to 10 a.m. we serve our gourmet breakfast in buffet form in our lounge on the 1st floor. Discover our fine breakfast selection with selected regional and numerous homemade products, including home-made jams, freshly baked cakes and freshly squeezed vitamin shots for an energizing start to the day.

Your healthy start to the day

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Vitamin power

Our fruit and vegetables come from the Feudenheim market hall, which supplies us with premium produce several times a week. Part of our breakfast buffet is the 'vitamin station' - crunchy pieces of fruit as well as freshly prepared fruit salad, juicy raw vegetables and freshly squeezed energy shots.
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Coffee specialties à la minute

In addition to our aromatic filter coffee, we can also prepare your favorite coffee specialty from our portafilter machine on request. We naturally have milk alternatives such as oat milk or lactose-free milk available.
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Homemade food from our duck kitchen

Wherever possible, we make the products on our breakfast buffet ourselves according to our own recipes. Our granola with roasted nuts and seeds, for example, which is completely free of industrial sugar thanks to the sweetness of maple syrup and orange juice. There is also always a freshly baked Gugelhupf from our pâtisserie.
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A paradise for tea lovers

The selection around our samovar makes tea lovers' hearts beat faster: fresh mint, ginger and lemon, Turkish cay as well as a fine, regularly changing selection of black, green, herbal and fruit teas from the tea professional Ronnefeldt.
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Traditionally made bread

We source our bread from the Brehm bakery in Birkenau, a 5th generation artisan business that relies on regional raw materials and its hand-raised three-stage sourdough. The varieties change regularly and some recipes have been specially developed for us.
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It couldn't be more local

We source our sausage specialties from the Jörger family butchery, which has been passionately running its business in Ketsch since 1925 and is now in its third generation. Our eggs from Geflügelhof Janson, from which we prepare all our egg dishes fresh, have an equally short route to us.

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Interior & Design | Handmade delicacies | Personal advice

An absolute annual highlight at the lake, if not our personal favorite day: the autumn festival is no longer an insider tip when it comes to gift shopping, a reliable source of inspiration for a stylish home and a meeting place for browsing, shopping, chatting, enjoying…

Restaurant winter break

22.12.2024 - 7.1.2025

We wish you a happy and healthy new year! Our duck is still on its winter break. We welcome our first restaurant guests on Tuesday, 7.1. (house guests only) or on Wednesday, 8.1.2025. We are available for table reservations and other requests during regular hotel opening hours – in person, by telephone and by e-mail.