DTM finale
The DTM is one of the must-sees in motorsport and has been a ‘set’ in our October for many years. It will be even more diverse in 2024: the field
The DTM is one of the must-sees in motorsport and has been a ‘set’ in our October for many years. It will be even more diverse in 2024: the field
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Interior & Design | Handmade delicacies | Personal advice
An absolute annual highlight at the lake, if not our personal favorite day: the autumn festival is no longer an insider tip when it comes to gift shopping, a reliable source of inspiration for a stylish home and a meeting place for browsing, shopping, chatting, enjoying…
We wish you a happy and healthy new year! Our duck is still on its winter break. We welcome our first restaurant guests on Tuesday, 7.1. (house guests only) or on Wednesday, 8.1.2025. We are available for table reservations and other requests during regular hotel opening hours – in person, by telephone and by e-mail.