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Valentine’s Day 2024

Wednesday, 14. February 2024 / 18:00 - 22:00

Rote Rosen scaled

Whether you want to celebrate the magic of togetherness in an elegant setting or simply treat yourself to a special evening with your favorite people: Mark February 14 in your calendar for a menu evening at our restaurant Die Ente. This evening is also a wonderful opportunity for engaged couples to enjoy the impending excitement of their wedding in peace. We take you on a culinary journey that celebrates and strengthens love – a Valentine’s menu to remember.

GOAT CHEESE : Mousse – beet – green asparagus – raspberry – lamb’s lettuce

SKREI : Confit – watercress – cauliflower – radish

CALBSSALTIMBOCCA : Fillet – Parma ham – Sage – Truffled mashed potatoes

ORANGENTARTE : Rhubarb – White chocolate

€ 89 per connoisseur


Wednesday, 14. February 2024
18:00 - 22:00
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SeeHotel Ketsch
+49 6202 6970
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SeeHotel Ketsch
Kreuzwiesenweg 5
Ketsch, Baden-Württemberg 68775 Deutschland
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+49 6202 6970
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Restaurant winter break

22.12.2024 - 7.1.2025

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