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Your stylish hideaway

70 modern rooms in an absolutely quiet location by the lake, four bright, barrier-free meeting and event rooms for up to 150 people, park-like outdoor facilities for celebrating, working and relaxing, and the excellent restaurant Die Ente. In the middle of the countryside, but only five minutes from three highways. This is the SeeHotel.

For over 50 years, connoisseurs, business and conference guests, vacationers and golf enthusiasts, festival and motor sports fans have appreciated our hotel by the lake.

With a harmonious concept featuring elegant furnishings, casual fine dining by the fireplace and on the lakeside terrace, our own concept store and the personal touch of passionate hosts Susanne and Hans Keppel and their team, our boutique hotel is a unique hideaway by the lake – with short distances to Hockenheim, Schwetzingen, Speyer, Heidelberg, Mannheim and the Palatinate.

Second Home by the lake

The SeeHotel Ketsch, run with great passion by the Keppel family and their team, is the perfect place to work, celebrate, enjoy and relax..



The SeeHotel proudly looks back on over 50 years of history and has always delighted connoisseurs, business travelers and those seeking relaxation with its idyllic lakeside location, elegant furnishings, excellent fine dining and warm hospitality. As a hideaway in the middle of the countryside, with short distances to Hockenheim, Schwetzingen and Heidelberg, the hotel is an ideal starting point for all travelers.
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Concept store

In our concept store you will find high-quality furniture, unusual accessories and special gifts. Owner Susanne Keppel attends interior design fairs all year round and regularly complements our high-quality brands such as Lambert and Flamant with the latest trends and up-and-coming niche labels - an inspiring mix. With a few exceptions, you can purchase the furnishings and decorations in our boutique hotel for your home - please contact us, we will be happy to advise you.
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The SeeHotel not only offers absolute peace and quiet in the countryside, but also an extremely strategic location - centrally located between Frankfurt and Stuttgart and just five minutes from three highways. Explore the vibrant cities of our region and be inspired by our insider tips for excursions with real added value.
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Sometimes you just have to get out! Our packages are perfect for a short break from hectic everyday life and are therefore also a very popular gift - we will be happy to issue you with an individual gift voucher.
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From our PV system, which uses solar energy efficiently, to e-charging stations, organic Granny Smiths and herbs from the hotel garden - we focus on short distances, ecological innovations and a conscious use of resources.
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Find out more about the SeeHotel in our FAQs. From check-in times to special amenities, we answer frequently asked questions here to make sure your stay goes smoothly.

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Interior & Design | Handmade delicacies | Personal advice

An absolute annual highlight at the lake, if not our personal favorite day: the autumn festival is no longer an insider tip when it comes to gift shopping, a reliable source of inspiration for a stylish home and a meeting place for browsing, shopping, chatting, enjoying…

Restaurant winter break

22.12.2024 - 7.1.2025

We wish you a happy and healthy new year! Our duck is still on its winter break. We welcome our first restaurant guests on Tuesday, 7.1. (house guests only) or on Wednesday, 8.1.2025. We are available for table reservations and other requests during regular hotel opening hours – in person, by telephone and by e-mail.