Meeting rooms

MG 7032 scaled

Flexible meeting rooms for every requirement

Our conference rooms boast floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows, views of the lake and beyond, as well as versatile seating options. Even at the end of a long meeting day, you can still sit comfortably on our designer conference chairsand work intensively and with concentration in the light-flooded and air-conditioned rooms, which are accessible by elevator .

The rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art conference technology, including cannyboards, projectors, flipcharts and pin boards, and Wi-Fi is of course available everywhere free of charge.

The unobstructed view of the lake and the greenery ensures a relaxed and results-oriented conference atmosphere. Use our roof terrace and our park-like outdoor facilities to work in the open air and relocate your conference to the fresh air without further ado. Poufs on the lawn, lounge sofas under the parasol… work where others go on vacation…


The "WeitBlick" conference room at the Seehotel Ketsch is an inspiring venue for meetings, conferences and events of all kinds. With its modern design and breathtaking view of the fields, it offers the ideal environment for productive work and creative exchange.

Dimensions: 75 sqm (width 7.60 m x length 9.90 m), height 2.50 m
Panoramic windows, view over the fields
Direct access to the roof terrace
Can be darkened
Dimmable lighting
Wall suitable for projection

U-shaped up to 25 people, parliamentary up to 32 people, cinema seating up to 50 people


The "SeeBlick" conference room at the Seehotel Ketsch combines a tasteful ambience with an impressive view to give your events a special touch. This inviting room not only offers state-of-the-art technical equipment, but also generous window fronts that provide a picturesque view of the lake and the surrounding nature.

Dimensions: 75 sqm (width 7.70 m x length 9.70 m), height 2.50 m
Panoramic windows, view of the Anglers' Lake
Can be darkened
Dimmable light
Ceiling projector
Wall suitable for projection

Capacities: U-shaped up to 25 people, parliamentary up to 32 people, cinema seating up to 50 people

The Little Duck

Whether for strategic planning in small groups or presentations in front of a larger audience - the "Die Kleine Ente" conference room at the Seehotel Ketsch creates the perfect backdrop for effective and successful business meetings.

Dimensions: 55 sqm (width 5.70 m x length 9.70 m), height 2.50 m
3 large windows with a view of the Anglersee lake
Can be darkened
Dimmable lighting
Magnetic walls

Capacities: U-shaped up to 16 people, parliamentary up to 20 people, cinema seating up to 30 people

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Thank you for your interest.

We are happy to be there for you personally. Under our telephone number 06202 6970 or the e-mail address
[email protected]
you can reach us.

You are also welcome to request a no-obligation quote here and now. Simply fill in the fields below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Monday Boost – the perfect start to the week

For companies that want to make efficient use of Mondays.

Your added value:

✔ Overnight stay on Sunday with 25% discount on the daily rate

✔ 10% discount on the room rent (depending on room size, regular € 375 – € 600)

✔ Free late check-out on Monday (until 2 pm) for speakers

In the spring the following assemblies can still be booked:

17.3. | 24.3. | 7.4. | 14.4. | 28.4.

Restaurant winter break

22.12.2024 - 7.1.2025

We wish you a happy and healthy new year! Our duck is still on its winter break. We welcome our first restaurant guests on Tuesday, 7.1. (house guests only) or on Wednesday, 8.1.2025. We are available for table reservations and other requests during regular hotel opening hours – in person, by telephone and by e-mail.