
MG 6907 scaled

Celebrate at the lake. From business to private, summer party to Christmas party

We give you plenty of space for your celebration! As absolute professionals, we can implement a wide variety of event formats and are always open to new ideas and approaches to give your celebration a very personal touch. Whether an intimate celebration in a small circle or an exuberant party, festive or casual, 6-course menu or barbecue – we adapt to your individual wishes.

In our various rooms on different levels, with and without terrace and all accessible by elevator, as well as in our park-like outdoor facilities, up to 150 people will find their place of enjoyment with a view. Relaxed get-together moments, excellent cuisine, our ideal location close to the highway, ample free parking, 70 rooms in six different categories to accommodate your guests… Our ideal conditions will make your event an experience to remember.

Whether business event...

Plan your company event with us! Whether it's a company outing, kick-off, company anniversary or customer presentation - we can do it all, from festive to casual. Successful events are the result of careful planning and professional support. Our reliable event team with many years of experience provides the perfect organizational framework. We attach great importance to a transparent and predictable cost breakdown so that you can always keep an eye on your budget.

...or completely private

Baptism or graduation, communion or confirmation, birthday party or silver wedding anniversary... there are countless occasions for a celebration with your loved ones. Hospitality is our passion, and we always have new ideas to make your celebration unique. Let us inspire you, also gladly with a personal conversation, here with us at the lake. We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Christmas party at the SeeHotel

The lake right outside our door, wonderful for a torchlight hike or a walk with colleagues. Our courtyard with covered area for your punch reception with fresh popcorn and hot chestnuts. Your festive table in the restaurant or salon, where you can sit back and enjoy...It is a matter close to our hearts to create a relaxed atmosphere in the cozy season, which invites you to lively conversations and nice get-togethers.

Tailor-made cuisine

Coordinate your ideas with us in an individual menu consultation or rely entirely on our experience. Perhaps a slightly more unusual concept would suit your event, such as a barbecue in summer or a fondue in the colder months...

Reliable contacts for your party

Benefit from our reliable, permanent contacts with a wealth of experience and sensitivity, who know every move and ensure that your party runs smoothly and according to your wishes.

Adds and ons

Benefit from our extensive network of musicians and artists, photographers and regional service providers. Would you like an unusual flower arrangement for the tables? In our own flower workshop, we put together individual bouquets and arrangements according to your personal taste.

Would you like to enrich your meeting with a joint activity? We offer various options, both indoors and outdoors, to give your team or loved ones a treat. Contact us and we will find the right idea for your event.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse.

Gerne sind wir persönlich für Sie da. Unsere Bankettabteilung ist unter unserer Rufnummer 06202 6970 erreichbar oder unter ihrer E-Mail-Adresse [email protected].

Sie können auch gerne hier und jetzt ein unverbindliches Angebot anfordern. Einfach die unten stehenden Felder ausfüllen – wir melden uns.


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Thank you for your interest.

We are happy to be there for you personally. Our banquet department can be reached at our phone number 06202 6970 or at their e-mail address
[email protected]

You are also welcome to request a no-obligation quote here and now. Simply fill in the fields below – we will get back to you.

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Keep in touch with us and stay informed about news, offers and events at the lake!

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Interior & Design | Handmade delicacies | Personal advice

An absolute annual highlight at the lake, if not our personal favorite day: the autumn festival is no longer an insider tip when it comes to gift shopping, a reliable source of inspiration for a stylish home and a meeting place for browsing, shopping, chatting, enjoying…

Restaurant winter break

22.12.2024 - 7.1.2025

We wish you a happy and healthy new year! Our duck is still on its winter break. We welcome our first restaurant guests on Tuesday, 7.1. (house guests only) or on Wednesday, 8.1.2025. We are available for table reservations and other requests during regular hotel opening hours – in person, by telephone and by e-mail.